Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Highschool of the Dead - Act. 10

The DEAD’S house rules

In this weeks episode there's no much fan service for us, viewers. I watch this series for that sake so I'll just make this brief but with content, ?. Laugh out loud. Takashi and the rest of the gang finally have some relaxation at Takagi's place after those crazy things happened to them in the past days. Rei's bust is needing some massage after Takashi use it as a tripod gun. It was suprising, really, for Rei not to hide herself infront of a Takashi. She's like come and fuck me or something. Ah! as if that could happen.
Here's Takagi's Dad. He's a saint. He could do anything. He could give salvation to mankind. He even have a light effects like a halo or something.
And this is L from Deathnote. He's calling Kira a.k.a Shidou-sensei to bust in the fortress of Takagi. Heck!

On the other hand, things are getting kinky? in the bus. See the screen captures above.

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