Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Agricultural Angel Baraki

This caught my attention...
Agriculture Angel Baraki... At first I thought "What the hell is this?!" but suddenly I remembered seeing this on Cartdriver's list of 2010 Fall Season, so I watched it right away without knowing what this truly is.

And I was right... what the hell is this?! "Agriculture" ...keh! Its a FARMVILLE anime! No, really it is. Its a children's show to teach them how to farm(well, duh!)
...then the "Angel". I LOLed at the henshin part transforming Baraki into an Agriculture Angel. Haha, its so innocent!
...and wtf is this?
Its been with Baraki since the show started. I'm guessing its a spirit, yes? If not, then I don't have a freakin idea.
Of course if there's a henshin sequence, it must mean that there's a villain as well. Introducing Mujiro, Hojirin, and Degoro. Their obviously villainous names match their awfully created character designs LOL.

Graphics? well, its great I guess... Its a mixture of 2D and 3D and some real-life pictures making it more bizarre, I mean... extraordinary.
The only thing I like about this is Sanae Baraki. If it weren't for her I wound't have blogged this... and I don't think I would next time.

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