It's rather peaceful in Kousaka's household. But not when Kyousuke enters the house. Kyousuke's reaction is way to exaggerated isn't it?

A goth-loli has been spotted inside the house! - Ruri also known as Kuroneko, her alias in All Girls Otaku Club, pay some visit at Kousaka's household. Those blush effect is sure is delicious. As always Kuroneko never fail to amuse me with her witty way of talking to mankind. She sure is one of my favorite anime character because she's a dere-dere sometimes :x.

Kuroneko does a good job in impersonating Kirino - Saori suggested that Kuroneko and Kirino, becausethey always have a fight when they are trying to talk about their likes in anime, should watch Meruru and Maschera at the same time and place, Kirino gave in and invited both Kuroneko and Saori at their house to watch both of series. Apparently Saori has some business to do so she can't go with them. Leaving Kuroneko on hands of Kirino, obviously they will just have a fight but this time it's about novels.
I must say I am suprised that Kirino is actually writing a novel - Kirino's novel is consist of lotsa imouto, pedo will love this novel dead serious!, and a goth-loli character who was raped and got killed at the end. Kuroneko obviously got irritated and ridicule Kirino's work. As to Kyousuke, of course he side with Kuroneko and rush to Kirino's room.

Those legs are connected - don't ask me what happened! This episode has lots of flaws in animation. Did they rushed making the episode? Anyway, Kyousuke knocked on Kirino's room and she opened the door with a bang, Kyousuke avoided it, Kirino's attitude is just too face-palm. My thoughts of imouto is crumbling!

I hate those blogs and books with mouthful of obscure words and idioms - it sure one hell pain in the ass whenever I read something like this, no pictures, just plain letters with some hidden meaning of it and you have to read many book just to get what the book is saying. It's irritating, I'm not much in to reading like SP's work, I actually hate them.

Oh my virgin eyes! - Aniki's eyes are getting violated by some uncensored DVD copy of some lolita henshining, that's Meruru. Really like the impression of Kuroneko about Meruru here. I personally dislike those animes with a friendship theme. It's just a mere crap nothing more nothing less~
KIRA☆~ Right after the opening sequel Kirino turned into some insande devotee of Meruru. She screams like GOAH it's Meruru it's Meruru which scare me. Love the fang though.
Meruru she killed her friend - seriously anime nowadays sure is violent even angel-like face loli's are now weapons of war. Look at her, she could bombard her opponents with a single shot, like don't move bitch I'm gonna kill you now -Beam strike-death to villain. Can't argue with KuroNeko about animes. She sure had some strong points. But she stole what am supposed to say ! Gar~!
Let's get some shotgun and start killing each other - that's what on Kureneko's mind for sure. xD They keep on denying each others existence after all.
The first half was good, really like the witty comments that they were throwing to each other but despite of everything they said they really care and love each other, they are not yuri, they are just normal people, in otaku manner of speaking.

You were looking in some porn sites! - I could relate to this kind of situation. Laughing my ass off. My girlfriend lend me her laptop and instead of updating her system I go for porn site hopping and downloading. Thank god I know how to delete the urls that I have visited. But I forgot to remove the flv file videos that I downloaded and got busted for looking into some impure things. Ah good times xD.

Ero Hunter Aniki - Spare Kyousuke to taht.

Beegle, that's actually google - Kirino is back to usual self leaving every nasty thing that her brother made to her pasocom. She sure is fast in recovering. Like that side of her. . . Ugh I like the facial expression of this scene, she's so like innocent.

This ring is worth 30,000 YEN! - Like hell normal guys would buy such thing for his girlfriend!

Kirino insist! - Kirino insisted to Kyousuke to buy her something, an accessory, for her plot. Well that doesn't make any sense but when I'd try to look down deeper ... is she putting herself in the shoes of the main heroine of her story? but if my memory serves me right its all girls story? someone tell me!
Kirino was so happy that Aniki bought her something in their date.
Naked bath scene of Kirino, sadly an opaque door is obscuring it! All I could see is her erect tits.

Our beloved Manami makes phone call to Kyousuke - This is one cute dubbing of Manami's seiyu. Ah~ it's so fuwa fuwa. xD Hate that Kyousuke cut-off the line and make some stupid excuse to Manami. Poor waifu, why are you so inlove to this guy. Funny scene though

I know you want it too Kirino - She's being fancy again by her Aniki.

The Heart Earring - it symbolizes love, love for Aniki X Imouto! The wincest path! commencing WINCEST PATH! First half of episode was good, second half was rather off to course of being damn awesome. See ya tomorrow for my episode 08 post.
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