「Shining Star」

The Kanon arc has finally come to an end. I thought this was gonna be boring but it surprisingly isn't. The episode kicks-off with the group Citron singing in front of a dome, Budokan?, foreshadowing on what Kanon used to be when she was still in the band. Later people started to make preparations for Kanon concert at the big dome. The first thing to come across to my mind was Sheryl of Macross Frontier, speaking of MF I haven't watch the new released movie! God need to download!

Meanwhile, at the dressing room, Kanon was being fixed by some random gay guy and the gay guy's cell ring and went outside. Past seems to haunt her, Kanon. She suddenly turned invisible before the concert. Staff and the manager went to panic. Coincidentally Keima was at the back of the dome heard about Kanon's disappearance and go for search of Kanon. It's time to shine Keima.

Elcie live-up to our expectation as a dumb-o. Well, duh! I was yelling in front of the television saying "Elcie you baka! you have your Skull searcher why not use it!". So yeah, she finally realize that she has it when everyone lose their hopes. Good call though.

The abruptly kissing scene was okey for me, like what Keima did, he made Kanon realize what she really are. Good job *Konata*. Oh god! this makes me vomit! Keima is easy to blush in the anime. . Keima is supposed to be a heartless-sama not easily fall for some moe-chick! god the variations of the anime and manga! it's killing me!

I totally didn't expect some Macross Frontier-level of performance at the half of the episode. I'm starting to like the song which I putted a towel before. She has the idol quality now, she reminds me of Sheryl, don't know why, why is it?

Overall, the arc could be done by 2 episodes only that's only my complain. Some of the scene was a filler like when Kanon is singing at the stage and she suddenly remembered about their dating experience with Keima, yeah it's a filler itself. This arc is second, next to the previous arc Aoi. Great arc-end though.

That mic looks like a vibrator or a toy penis, IMO. LOL
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