Sorry for the delay in posting Oreimo, kinda have a hard time in my schedule since second semester just started I have to balance blogging and my studying. But I'm doing my very best to post Oreimo as fast as I could, I even cut class for the sake of posting roflmao. Set it aside, it's halloween in Japan and Manami's family restaurant, thought it doesn't seem like one, wants to celebrate halloween by putting halloween decoration and such. Japan do not celebrate halloween so it's pretty weird if you ask me why they have to celebrate something like western do.

Kyousuke was so selfish in the question of one of his classmate. Are you fine if some guy hook-up with Manami? Kyousuke utterly said, Hell no! I won't accept him. They aren't in any relationship just a plain childhood friends hanging around anywhere, he doesn't have the right to keep Manami by himself. I just wanna punch this guy to give him some lessons! He is just hurting Manami by doing this ... it's like he wanted to be surrounded by girls so he could have many choices something like that. Can't express in words because of my anger!

It's sure is lively in Tamura's household. Everyone is making preparation for the halloween at the store. Grandpa was practicing his play dead act. He sure look like a zombie to me. Grandma woke Grandpa by saying she's shave those remaining hairs of him. Everything in the house was so interesting except for Manami's little brother, Iwao.

This baldy, rock-star wanna be is Iwao. He is the little brother of Manami. He is just a plain boring supporting character in the story so I'll just leave this at is.

I just wanna put this because she's too dam cute that's all.

Quit blushing you play-boy!

You can get married now Manami if it's not Kyousuke who you'll get married to.

This doesn't look edible at all. It's like a figurines than foods.

This guy who is hugging Kyousuke is Manami's father. He sure is a man of few words. Kyousuke is a wimpy that's for sure.

I'm pretty sure she's jealous because her beloved Onii-chan is in Tamura's house. Ah! she's really cute even she's jealous, just don't go to incest path and everything will be just fine. My inner self is telling me to type the previous sentence. :(

She sure had few screen time this episode but this make-up for it. But the hips! there is something wrong with the hips! look at it!

Ah! My innocent belove WAIFU ! Why are flirting with a bastard like Kyousuke!!!! Kynte used enrage!

Just as keikkaku. Everything goes well according to grandpa's plan. He putted Manami's futton in Kyousuke's supposedly room to sleep. And push Kyousuke inside with Manami clinging to him. - Fucking bastard!!! Fuck you Kyousuke! Fuck you!

After all those Manami x Kyousuke's scenes what will happen next to Kirino? we will see.
The verdict. I really don't know if I like this episode or not. It's because mai waifu, Manami, is being dragged to Kyousuke's sinful arms and that is awful ... I think I should stick with Kyousuke X Ruri. I have a huge crush to Manami, now you know.
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