Year 2010 has just ended and it's time to make Best of Year Baka Kynte's Edition. It's our first time to write about best of year so don't be harsh on us in giving comments because our picks are based in our opinion on what we have watched for this year subjectively. The best of Year is consists of animes that has been released for the past year 2010. We've try to expand the Best of Year list just to make it more fun and exciting. *giggles*
We would like to see your comments and best of year 2010 as well. Just keep in mind that always be nice on commenting to others. Shall we start sharing our Best of Year 2010 list?
Kynte's Pick: Macross Frontier – Itsuwari no Utahime
None of the animes that has been released in 2010 made me jaw drop except Macross Frontier - Itsuwari no Utahime. The top notch animation and battle scene effects that Statelight and 8bit putted in this wonderful movie was super magnificent with the inserted songs sung by the songstresses gave more power to the epic war, it's just simply perfect! I just love colossal epic battle between two races. If its action then it has to be Macross Frontier!
LoliComplex's Pick: Black ☆ Rock Shooter
Everyone's waiting for the OVA. And I think BRS fans were pleased in terms of action, and some aren't satisfied. Imo they did a great job doing the fighting scenes. Slashing blades, blasting walls and stuff like that while keeping the girls as stylish as possible is truly remarkable. I picked this as the best action for that reason, and I'm still waiting for the next OVA
D R A M A / Slice-of-Life
Kynte's Pick: Angel Beats
I'm actually disappointed there weren't very many of good animes that fall in Drama category this year after the spectacular Clannad After Story last year. Anyway, I think when it comes to Drama surely its Angel Beats. Actually I do not like this series at first but eventually i started to enjoy as new stories emerged with every episode. Angel Beats teach us the value of life and to move on despite of what we have in our past.
LoliComplex's Pick: Angel Beats
LoliComplex's Pick: Angel Beats
When it comes to epic storyline and drama, KEY never fails to amaze me with great plot twists and moe~moe characters starting from Kanon, Air, Clannad, Little Busters, and now Angel Beats. I picked this as the best drama for 2010 because it instills inspiration to people like us; every characters concerned had individual stories to tell, and all have the same tragic past that took away their adolescence, then the setting itself(the Afterlife) gives them a chance to redo and enjoy their life that once been taken away by fate when they were still living.
Kynte's Pick: Arakawa Under the Bridge (Season 01)
The ability to make you laugh until you cry. That’s probably the number one criteria when selecting a comedy of the year. And that’s none other than Arakawa Under the Bridge. It was a toss-up between AUB S1 and AUB S2 but I it’s the season 1 that made me laugh my ass off roll on floor laughing. The surreal animation that made by SHAFT here really fit the whole comedic anime of the year, IMO.
LoliComplex's Pick: Mitsudomoe!
Notoriuous, perverted... and also cute(?) triplets abusing their teacher physically, mentally, and emotionally... then add a lot of misunderstandings, you get Mitsudomoe! Why did I picked this? well, one reason for it was a lack of research, but seemingly when I think about it, I've always hunger for the next episode. I hunger for the violence, the misunderstanding, a little bit of loli fanservice, and more importantly, the oh, so great punchlines that's teeming within the series.
S U S P E N S E / T H R I L L E R
S U S P E N S E / T H R I L L E R
Kynte's Pick: Shi-Ki
I only came up with few titles for this department and I decided its got to be Shiki for my suspense pick. With all due respect to anime and the fans, this predictable vampire anime started to be interesting at episode ten, though I think the ending was shabby. I kinda have doubts for picking this but just like I said there were only few series that has been released in suspense and thriller genre and only Shi-Ki made me goose-bumps. Ookami Kakushi is a let down for me ~ Yare-yare.
LoliComplex's Pick: Ookami Kakushi
Of course I had to pick this! Although its Ryukishi07's lamest work imo since the Higurashi legacy, its still HIS work. Nothing's better than a bunch of young individuals getting massacred by an enormous scythe-wielding loli... along with her cult-ish mob. The selling point of this are the characters. Kuzumi Hiroshi, we have a stereotypical hero here. Well, what would I expect from a anime-turned visual novel, meh. Then the girls; one clingy type, one ojou-sama type, one imouto type, and one mysterious type. And most of them will get pervy when they're around Kuzumi. Man, how lucky is that guy?! Most of all, who would've forget the song "Hassaku! Hassaku! Jouga no Hassaku!" ...haha, so nostalgic, so annoying!
Kynte's Pick: Amagami SS
First title that pops-up from my mind is Nodameamagami SS. This omnibous type anime, Amagami SS surely rings a bell when it comes to cheesy moments. The series offers us fanservice that didn't involve too much skin exposure or tearing clothes. The animation and the illustration were pretty much ok especially Morishima-sempai! She's pretty, she's cute, she's innocent, she's daring, she's whacky!
LoliComplex's Pick: B Gata H Kei
If by chance you might ask "off all anime, why B Gata H Kei?" I gotta say, I appreciate the romance between the cherry boy and the slut wannabe. How they managed to overcome hindrances to their relationship, and slowly achieving Base A and B... is truly miraculous. And its been a while since I've watched an anime whose story was of a hot chick falling in love with a shitty loser in a REAL LIFE setting... without the Ero-gami chibis I mean. Additionally, bearing in mind that Yamada is 15 a year old girl makes it more probable that I'll put B Gata H Kei in this category.
Kynte's Pick: Gundam Unicorn
When we talk about mechas we are talking about machines, robots and such; and when it comes to mecha of the year it has to be Gundam Unicorn! The story is just simply awesome a typical story from a gundam series plus the transforming Gundamu Unicornu is just too damn sweet!
LoliComplex's Pick: None
Robots... they aren't CUTE!
Kynte's Pick: Kiss X Sis
I still remember a guy asked me what anime do you like but you don't wanna know others that you like it and I answered "Kiss X Sis is my guilty pleasure!" This incestuous anime that shows-off a lot of skin and lewd things is just what I want for a fan-service oriented animu. Damn Keima! you have twin nee-sans, a teacher, a student and a loli! what else could you ask for??
LoliComplex's Pick: Yosuga no Sora
Why Yosuga no Sora? The better question is, why NOT Yosuga no Sora? I mean, if you want fanservice, they bring it to you more than you can imagine; if you want pantsu shots, they give 'em to you, but without the pantsu! Also, ero scenes are overreacted but somehow they exclude the sexy moaning. Being an omnnibus type of anime, you get to see all the main heroines get fucked up by a single guy... literally! I think this series further thin out the border between everyday anime and hentai.
S C I - F I / F A N T A S Y
This zombie pandemic anime, HOTD sure became a hit to many viewers. The concept of zombie invading is pretty unique for an anime, I must say, because most of the anime that has zombie apocalypse plot were half-assed made or the animation was crap. So it's HOT for my Sci-Fi/Fantasy pick for this year.
LoliComplex's Pick: Tegami Bachi REVERSE
The storyline was very absorbing since the first season and it prompted me to watch the second season. But plentiful amount of filler episodes got me tired of watching the series. But in general, I love the concept, love the pacing, and I love NICHE! Ahem... I haven't got much to say about the anime since I only watched a few, dropped the anime, and I felt remorse doing it. But I'm certain that whatever the conclusion of the second season may be, it will be as exciting as its predecessor.
Best OP Seq.
Kynte's Pick: K-ON!! S2 OP. 02 - 「Utauyo!! MIRACLE」 by 豊崎愛生, 日笠陽子, 佐藤聡美, 寿美菜子, 竹達彩奈 (Toyosaki Aki, Hikasa Youko, Satou Satomi, Kotobuki Minako, Taketatsu Ayana)I pick this because Yui psycho me with her turn around movements in the video. It's just super moe and cute! can't get enough of it!
LoliComplex's Pick: Tegami Bach REVERSE - OP.01「小さな魔法」 (Chiisana Mahou) by ステレオポニー (Stereopony)
C'mon, its Stereopony. Aiimiiieeeee-chan! Interjections aside, picking stereopony as OP theme for the second season of Letter Bee suits the anime for its idea of being...erm...magical; considering the lyrics and how she sung. A splendid contribution to the anime songs indeed!
Best ED Seq.
Kynte's Pick: Durarara ED.01「Trust Me」 by 松下優也 (Matsushita Yuuya)
it's simple yet elegant :) Thrust me Thrust me Thrust me yeah!!
LoliComplex's Pick: Tales of Symphonia ~Tethe'alla-hen~ ED.01 祈りの彼方 - Akiko Shikata
I've been a fan of Akiko Shikata since the Umineko series. Her voice is just so angelic yet... wicked! And when I heard the ToS's ED theme while watching I was like... stunned for a minute then "I gotta download this right away!". I'm excessively captivated, so there, Best Ending theme for 2010!
Best Anime Song (FULL)
Kynte's Pick: 「月導 -Tsukishirube-」 by Nanri Yuuka (南里侑香)
Another one of Fictionjunction's Yuuka Nanri's greatness since Tsubasa's Aikoi and Kioku no mori, and .Hack//roots's Sill-go-Round.
LoliComplex's Pick: Butterfly - ON/OFF
They actually have pleasant-hearing songs since the Vampie Knight franchise. And now they're back again with their new song to the anime industry which is Butterfly. Honestly, the title's so gay you wouldn't want to hear it. Its actually a normal song meh.I wouldn't say its bland(wouldn't want to hurt a fangirl's feelings) but hooray for normality I think. This song is played as the second ED theme for Drrr!!. I picked this for its conventional music, them being visual keis are rare to have these type of music these days so yeah.
Kynte's Pick: Angel Beats - Keep the Beats!
I was expecting this to be a GDM album, but this is like a yui(LiSa) album in fact. Would be nice if Iwasawa(Marina) was included too. Set aside, its still a very good soundtrack from Angel Beats. Like the Crow Song Yui version ^_^ and 一番の宝物(Yui Ver.) it gives me chill down to my spine!
LoliComplex's Pick: Hokage Tea Time Sound K-ON!! OST
If we're talking about soundtracks then its gotta be K-on!! From Yui's droll voice, Ritsu's virile voice, Mugi's sweet voice, to Mio's overrated voice. Oh, and also Azusa's loli voice. I never had enough of K-on!! since the series ended and when I play them on my laptop I remember all those craziness(and a bit of drama) that's happened within the season.
Kynte's Pick: Satou Satomi
For those who are not aware who she is then let me tell you who she is, she's responsible for giving life to Ritsu Tainaka and Tamura Manami. Well, for me her voice is very flexible from a whacky annoying girl, Ritsu to a typical Japanese girl Manami she's one hell of a seiyuu (voice actress). Probably Loli-kun will go to an obvious pick, Kana Hanazawa which I really don't know why. She's just voicing cute girls and moe-what?
LoliComplex's Pick: Kana Hanazawa
Obviously, its gotta be her. Kana Hanazawa, I know she's a rising star ever since I first heard her voice as Mikan(To Love Ru). Then came Anri(Drrr), Mayu(B Gata H Kei), Kanade(Angel Beats), Mato(B*RS), and Kuroneko(OreImo). Though she's been accompanied by some famous voice actors/actresses, she manages to let out the individuality of her voice among the others. Her sweet,daring, and sometimes erotic voice, hmhmhm I guess that what makes her the best for me this 2010.
Kynte's Pick: Nino (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
There's only one character that standout for me and that's Arakawa Under the Bridge, Nino. She started as a somewhat weird girl who leaves under the bridge claiming she's a Venusian and met Ric, as the series went on she develops to fall in-love with Ric(in season 2) even though the set-up of their relationship wasn't normal. I really love the fact that she's gullible and innocent through the core, she has somewhat mystic appeal that could catch every mans heart. That's Nino for me. Now I'm crying!! :((
LoliComplex's Pick: Mio Isurugi (MM!)
Ah, Mio sama! I'm sure she's one of the characters that I'll probably never forget. First of all is her voice actress - Ayana Taketasu, who also voiced Ako Suminoe, Kirino Kousaka and Azusa Nakano. Next is her sadistic nature. She always had fun torturing Tarou in countless ways, which seemed more amusing to watch than to reenact. Lastly, she's a goddamn DFC bishi! I can't get enough of her cosplays every episode, and her tsun attitude is truly outstanding!
Kynte's Pick: Kyon's Imouto (Haruhi Suzumiya no Shoushitsu)
I really don't know why did I pick her as my Imouto of the year, she's just cute just like a normal little sister(a perfect portrayal of what I want to as my little sister) ... that's probably show how good the Haruhi Suzumiya's author and KyoAni. Hands down. Kyon-kun oikte~
LoliComplex's Pick: Loli Kokoro Akechi (Tente Opera Milky Holmes)
It took me days to decide who will be my loli of the month; There's just a ton of them to choose from!; Index, Ika Musume, Ringo, and most of the characters from Hidamari Sketch and Hanamaru Kindergarten. But imo, one rises at the top. And that is, Kokoro Akechi. Azure eyes... blonde perm twin tail... flat chest... She's soooo looooliiii!!! I WANNA TAKE HER HOME!! The self-proclaimed genius with an IQ of 1,800 with increasing zeroes on each episode, and equipped with a golden mask to slap Sheryl with, she's my Loli queen of the year 2010!
VOYEUR / Hentai-san
Kynte's Pick: Tomoki Sakurai (Sora no Otoshimono Forte)
Nothing beats Tomo-bo (a nickname given by his old man) when it comes to peeking. His voyeurism push through to the next level. Like in an episode where he built this tubes, plant it in where girls usually change dress and the likes, man! she's one hell of a pervert!
LoliComplex's Pick: Haruka Kasugano (Yosuga no Sora)
Honestly, I'm quite jealous about this guy. True, he's fated to mate with the girls and there's no problem with that. But just because he's the main character and he's very well using his charm to seduce them and let him in their pantsu, he's obviously abusing it; taking advantage of almost every situations to 'do' every one of them... What the hell am I saying? Its an eroge-based anime, and animes like those have the same attributes as Haruka. Its just that he's a little more advanced 'cause he's actually done it with naturally...ALL of them. As I was saying, I'm GODDAMN jealous about this guy. Why do you have to be with Sora? WHHYYY?!
TRAP! (It's a TRAP!)
Kynte's Pick: Takanashi Souta "Katanashi-kuuuuuun~"(WORKING!)
A lot of cross-dressers shows-up this year but only Takanashi or should I say Katanashi-kun! catch my eye. He is a remarkably hot-looking bishoujo! And Takanashi-kun only doing this for the sake of Inami. How sweet :)
LoliComplex's Pick: Trap Kinoshita Hideyoshi (Baka to Test to Shokanjuu)

Kinoshita....Hnngghh! Even if its so wrong for me to like men he's still HNNNGHH!! He's the prettiest boy I've ever seen this 2010 and he's so...cute Argh! Damn BakaTest making me look like a fag. Kinoshita makes a fine trap. As far as the series goes, most fanservice belong to him. Ecchi-wise imo I think he's better than the girls in BakaTest, only except for Minami's imouto, Hazuki.
MEIDU! (Maid Outfit)
Kynte's Pick: Kuro Neko / Ruri Gokou (Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
Behold my Nekoko Mimi Meidu of the year!!! isn't she cute? :3 This is actually from the manga where she got caught dancing caramell dansen in front of mirror.
LoliComplex's Pick: Azusa Nanako (K-ON!!)
Yes, twin-tailed Azusa in a maid dress(and a puffy hat) is a dream come true! Ahaha I still remember that single episode where they are requested, or rather they actually volunteered themselves to help out a luxury maid cafe. Hmmhm, those times were a bliss! Seeing them in a different outfit other than their school uniforms is not something you see everyday, and that made it epic enough to pick K-on, particularly Azusa for this category.
Kynte's Pick: K-ON!! Season 2
When it comes to pure moe overload there's no doubt K-ON wins this round. Inspite of substantial amout moe anime that has been released none of them came on par with K-ON's characters, thanks to KyoAni for bringing such anime. And for the note K-ON is not just only moe and singing it also shows the culture of Japan, how strong the bonds between friends and teenager girls pursuing what they want despite of their ages. Really like that part of season 2 they focused a lot in slice-of-life.
LoliComplex's Pick: "G4" Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
First, all characters from Tantei Opera Milky Holmes are undeniably moe characters so I picked this as a base of the category. Second, Kokoro-chan is included in the group so I immediately picked G4! Woohoo! I like G4 for it has a sense of attitude variations, and they had LUKA!
Kynte's Pick: Kirino Kousaka (Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
Seriously, I just want to make a special mention for Kirino so I made this "Bitch" category up. She's super annoying bitch that's for sure. It made us wonder if she's into her brother Kyousuke or she just love, as in brother only not romantic feeling. Anyway, that's your Bitch of the Year this 2010.
LoliComplex's Pick: Yamada (B Gata H Kei)
Everyone's gotta agree with me here. Yamada fits this category perfectly. Why? Because its her goal to have sex with 100 men! But oh, the irony - she's still stuck with her first stud, and she's slowly falling inlove with him. Seriously, I could care less about that guy, all that matters is Yamada having to realize her dream coz I'm supporting it!
PS(kynte): her name is still unknown!
Kynte's Pick: Durarara!
There were a lot of crappy stories in year 2010, thank God! that save a lot of work for me. If I will make a pick for the best story of the year that's got to be Durarara which featured a huge amount of cast, great mystery, action and a bit of romance, all set in modern times, contrary to Baccano. The mystery kept me interested until the very end, who's the leader of Dollars and what's with this headless hot chick on above picture. Really really great series, as expected from the author of Baccano :D
LoliComplex's Pick: Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
I haven't had much mainstream animes that I'd watched this 2010 but I believe this series is worth sharing to everyone. The story perception is original, its a school-life anime with a handful of slapstick jokes, and romance that's based from various fairy tales and epic. The character designs are original also; they have different kinds of uniforms per character but for some reason, all the males have the same. Costumes aside, their faces are uniquely cute so you can recognize them very easily. Humors, they have a lot. and Ending...well, it hangs us up expecting for a second season.
Kynte's Pick: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
I do not read any Haruhi Suzumiya light novels though I'm a big fan of her and Kyon, but this this movie made me read one because I was eager to know why is this movie made to top 2 in My Anime List's top animes! I read a translated version over Bakatsuki LN's translation group, read it and was convince that its really a good novel and have to wait for the DVD to hit the store. After waiting for 8 months, its finally out, thanks to Mazui speedsub for subbing it. After watching this lengthy movie I was enthralled by the story and fascinated on the animation that KyoAni made for this wonderful light novel of Nagaru Tanigawa. A truly masterpiece that everyone should watch though you might have to see the season 1 and 2 to fully understand the movie, but I guarantee you that its worth of watching!
Most of the guys will agree with my choice, I mean who the fuck is in right mind not agreeing with me?! Your probably a faggot then! Set aside my arrogance, If I'll make a pick for best animation in 2010 animes it has to be HOTD, why? well I just don't want to be biased when it comes to this, surely most of shows that has great animation probably the Movies, ONA's or OVA's so to make it fair and square I picked a series. Madhouse truly made an awesome job here, the gore, the girls, the fanservice and the zombies, don't forget them. To sum it all, its godtier when it comes to animation, indeed.
LoliComplex's Pick: Angel Beats
Early 2010 KEY has been releasing trailers of Angel Beats for having the first time making a stand alone anime. And when the anime's been released, fans weren't disappointed. In fact, they're enraged to watch Angel Beats. With crisp character designs, dynamic background and some 3D rendering made KEY fans jump out of their seats. Most probably, the anime was highly funded for it to happen. After all, it was expected. This is the reason I picked Angel Beats as the best animation for 2010.
Kynte's Pick: Sora no Otoshimono Forte & Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
First let me talk about SNOF. AIC totally messed up the anime adaptation of Sora no Otoshimono Forte, like what they have done in the episode where Nymph finally get her wings back, I was totally unimpressed because they rush things up, didn't felt any sentimental feelings between Tomoki and Nymph, after having a new master sure shit! and plus I enjoyed the season 1 than season 2.
Next is Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai, really, I do not understand why do they have to cut in two this anime? I mean it has an ample manga volume released. I rant many times in my blog about Kami Nomi, all the hype was just ruined because of that sole reason.
So both of that series is my biggest disappointment of year 2010. A manga to anime adaptation must always have a decent animation!
LoliComplex's Pick: Black ☆ Rock Shooter
There's some reasons I've got displeasure over this OVA. First, the song Black Rock Shooter itself wasn't included in the anime. I only heard it on a piano version as a bgm and it feels like crap. Second, the story was chaos. Third, I wanna have Hatsune Miku, or better yet... Saki Fujita dub Kuroi Mato. I mean, why not? Right? After all she's the one responsible to the voice of Miku Hatsune(no offense to Kana Hanazawa LOL) and Miku actually sang B*RS so its a turn down for me to have someone else dub Mato. And lastly, I can't wait for the next OVA!
Kynte's Pick: Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
My first inclination is to choose Bakemonogatari for its main couple, supernatural plot, witty dialogue and SHAFT but I just can't bring myself that it was my favorite for a continued story. So if I have to choose what show I like the most from 2009 ended in 2010 it's got to be Full Metal Alchemist: Brother, the twist in plot, good quality effects in both fighting scene and environment, and good ending, contrary on what BONES made in the first Full Metal Alchemist series. This just deserves to be my number one spot in my top anime list :).
LoliComplex's Pick: Bakemonogatari
Series ended this Year Bakemonogatari. I just learned this anime from Kynte, and I immediately got hooked on watching it. The anime features Koyomi Araragi - four parts human, one part vampire, one part masochist, and four parts pedophile, who's on the job to hunt down oddities with the help of Meme Oshino.
He gets to know many girls to make up his harem and eventually found the girl of her life; Hitagi. The series was awesome as it is, but I haven't read the light novel so I don't fully understand what is going on actually. Not knowing that excites me to watch the prequel as well as the sequel that'll probably be released this 2011.
If you'd gone this far then we commend you for having the stomach to read our post. And we hope that you'll read our future posts too this whole 2011. Thank you!
If you're reading this, this very paragraph you may or may not read our whole post anyway thank you for reading our infamous blog, Baka Kynte. It took us twelve hours or more to make this post, my computer is now lagging at this very moment. You must persevere until I put period on my very last sentence pasocom-san!
There are substantial amount of animes that has been out last year, some of them are adaptation, well some of the studio did change some scenes in certain animes and some followed the manga adaptation nicely. I really don't like studio distorting the original work like some studio did. Anyway again, it was a good year for animes, 2010 is more on ecchi and comedy animes though I don't mind hentais which reminds me of the Youth Bill getting passed in Japan. Let's just wait for the animes in 2011 and we will see. Ok, Winter season is upon us, a brand new shows will be aired starting tomorrow ... anime blogs sure is busy when a new season arrives so yes! Happy New Anime Season and Happy New Year and Happy Rabbit everyone!
PS: It's the year of the rabbit in Chinese calendar. :)
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