Lo and behold! Square Enix officially announced Dissidia Duodecim 012: Final Fantasy last week. The game comes back with additional characters, new skills and more bad-ass gameplay. Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7GM887W44U&feature=related

One big notable addition is the appearance of Lightning (FFXIII) and Cain Highwind (FFIV). The announcement of those 2 made quite a hype which sparked the fans of the original Dissidia to demand more from Square, asking them to put the players own favorite characters (though I would pretty much like to see Vincent shoot his guns here XD). If you have also watched the trailer carefully, it seems that "Assist"will be added. Assist is calling a fellow teammate to do a hit on the enemy and disappearing in the midst of battle. Just like in the Marvel VS Capcom games.

According to the trailer, it seems that Tifa (FFVII) will be making an apperance too! Yay!
That's one request granted for the fans of Dissidia. XD

Oh, one more thing. It seems like LoliComplex favorite character, Chantoto (FFXI) and Gabranth (FFXII) can be played as normal characters. No need to buy 'em. Cool huh?
Well that's it for this post. More games to come this month! Sign out!

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