Its the Otogi Bank's worst pinch ever! As said by the narrator. The Hitsujikai story arc ends now.

All members of the Otogi Bank are scattered now as planned by the Onigashima Student Council President Hitsujikai Shirou.
Alice along with Usami-chan, they were running away from the Onigashima delinquents. Usami-chan - who is being framed up to draw out one of the Otogi Bank's members, apologized to Alice for dragging her in this mess... In a TSUNDERE way.. XD

Ah, Rie Kugimiya - best tsundere voice ever!
Next is Otsuu-san. She was captured by Onigashima students - torturing her by partially stripping her(I thought we're gonna get some fanservice, but oh well...) and suddenly forcing her to wear non-maid outfit such as nurse, school uniform etc.
that guy in the left, doesn't he look familiar? Someone like... Ryuuji for example? And in the other pic, the uniform on the left, its the one from SnS! XD

Oh, BTW Otsuu-san is later saved by Majo-san, only to make her wear more non-maid clothes.
Since Urashima was captured, along with Otohime, he receives a special torture just for himself - to be surrounded by pretty ladies in swimsuits! But his love for Otohime wins against the once-in-a-lifetime-harem. Then after beating the crap out of those deliquents and bitches, they rendezvoused with Rikkun...the Otogi Bank President, I mean.

Otohime yandere mode...
Then in Ryouko-chan's case, Ryoushi and the lot - along with Neko-san, Momo-sempai and her new servants, the Tonda brothers.(those three disgusting pigs) What happened next? Well... look above. After some scary talk with Rikkun and Hitsujikai, the Otogi Bank decided to retreat.

the president's gaze... ooohh..scary..>w<
The days had gotten normal again, even better.
Now I think, this concludes the whole anime. The next would be most likely a filler episode. Nevertheless, I shall do it for your sake ^_^

heck, I mean't "twin tailed loli"
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